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April 21, 2021

Airborne 04.17.21: SnF Record!, Blue Angel #6, Pilot Communications

Also: The Extra NG Is Here, Rotax 915is Powered Bristell, STOL Competition Highlights

With only one day left of the much anticipated SnF21 event, we are hearing that Saturday achieved a record attendance in Sun n Fun’S 47 year history! Thousands of people came to Lakeland to see the Blue Angels execute precision maneuvers in the sky in their new Super Hornets, and let me tell you, they didn’t disappoint.. So we catch up with one of their pilots who says they are excited to be back performing for the public. For those of you who fly long distances, pull a lot of G’s, or simply are tired

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Airborne 04.16.21: Beringer Tire App, Aerolite EV-103, King Schools

Also: Highlander STOL, Diamond DA40 NG, A Sampling Of SnF Visitors

Alright... we're two thirds of the way through the Fly-In that way too many people thought would never happen... but it did, and pretty darned well from all appearances. Unveiled during the first quarter, Beringer shows off a new quick and easy way to check your aircraft tire pressure before taking to the skies and during flight -- and yes, there is an APP for that... It’s quiet, easy to fly and lightweight… the Aerolite EV-103 is an electric ultralight so quiet you wont wake up your neighbors, and will give you no need to e

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.21.21)

Aero Linx: American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) We are the largest professional organization for airport employees, delivering results for dedicated individuals like you, who serve as the backbone of AAAE and our nation’s airport system. AAAE members are leaders in key roles from the C-Suite to the terminal and on to the airfield. You can turn to AAAE for the resources you need to advance your airport and your career, including dynamic professional development and networking, cutting-edge training, comprehensive airport solutions, and effective representation in Washington.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (04.21.21): Fuel Remaining

Fuel Remaining A phrase used by either pilots or controllers when relating to the fuel remaining on board until actual fuel exhaustion. When transmitting such information in response to either a controller question or pilot initiated cautionary advisory to air traffic control, pilots will state the APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF MINUTES the flight can continue with the fuel remaining. All reserve fuel SHOULD BE INCLUDED in the time stated, as should an allowance for established fuel gauge system error.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (04.21.21)

“We’re ‘go’ for launch. Both Thursday and Friday launch weather looks good, with concern of winds around the pad for Thursday. Downrange weather is trickier as the front and the winds combine to create winds and waves. Friday looks better than Thursday, but we’ll continue to watch; we have another briefing tomorrow and will decide when the right time to make a decision is.” Source: Steve Stich, manager of the Commercial Crew Program at Kennedy Space Center, commenting on the impending launch of NASA's Crew-2 mission to the ISS.

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