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April 14, 2014

Airborne 04.14.14: Google Buys Titan, Diesel Archer, C4 Avionics

Also: Scorpion's 1st 50 Hours,Pilatus Sales Record, Classic Aero-TV: Ballooning, XCOR Progress Update, Another TSA Screw-Up

Just as we were tucking this episode of Airborne away, we received confirmation that Google had acquired UAV Startup, Titan Aerospace, run by Eclipse Founder, Vern Raburn. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has granted an STC to Piper Aircraft and the Continental Motors Group for the installation of the Centurion 2.0S diesel engine aboard Piper Archer aircraft. Ground and flight tests on the Piper Archer, powered by a Centurion 155 horsepower Jet-A compression ignition engine, were conducted from Technify’s airport f

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Klyde Morris (04.14.14)

Klyde's Not Impressed With The Younger Generation


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Airborne 04.11.14: Lear 85 Flies, FAA v UAVs-Again, CAMA Demands Med Oversight

Also: Mooney Rebirth, Barnstorming: Lessons From Lakeland, Another Airport Under Attack By NIMBY Politico, Solar Impulse2!

The Learjet 85 aircraft has successfully completed its first flight that marks the start of the aircraft’s flight test program leading up to the first customer delivery. The flight departed from Wichita-Mid Continent International Airport and lasted approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. Once again the FAA has gone after drone flying as if they actually had regulations to control it. Only last month, an NTSB judge ruled that the FAA did not have control over drone flights because they have not gone through a regulatory process

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.14.14)

Aero Linx: The Drone User Group Network The Drone User Group Network is pleased that Americans will finally be able to reap the economic benefits of drone entrepreneurship, as other countries have already been doing for a number of years. We see commercial use as a key factor in allowing this technology to reach its maximum potential to benefit our society. However, as people rush in to start new drone businesses it is paramount that everyone keeps safety and respect for privacy foremost in their minds. We see an important role for community groups like ours in helping to educate the public and promote a culture of safe and respectful flight practices.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (04.14.14): Thunder

Thunder The sound emitted by rapidly expanding gases along the channel of a lightning discharge. Over three-quarters of lightning's electrical discharge is used in heating the gases in the atmosphere in and immediately around the visible channel. Temperatures can rise to over 10,000 °C in microseconds, resulting in a violent pressure wave, composed of compression and rarefaction. The rumble of thunder is created as one's ear catches other parts of the discharge, the part of the lightning flash nearest registering first, then the parts further away.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (04.14.14)

“Affordable new technology is the goal of the (FAA) Part 23 rewrite. That’s what we’re doing with the C4. The use of non-TSO avionics raises the certification burden for the airframe manufacturer, but in the end saves a significant amount of cost while offering much more up-to-date technology.” Source: Tom Peghiny, President of Flight Design USA, following the announcement that Flight Design has selected the last major component and supplier for the all-new four-seat aircraft.

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