Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.06.17) | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Nov 06, 2017

Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.06.17)

Aero-News: Quote of the Day

ANN's Quote of the Day usually derives from current news, though we reserve the right to pick quotes out of history that have a bearing on the day's events and issues.

Sometimes, you'll find them timely and in keeping with the content of the day's news... and sometimes, they'll just be thought-provoking.

Reader suggestions and comments are welcome... and if particularly intriguing, timely, or poignant, may themselves become future Quotes of the Day.

Let us hear from you, folks!

Aero-News Quote of the Day

"While I applaud President Trump's plan to integrate drones, unfortunately, it invites restrictions from non-federal governments to be placed on drones. Federal law places the regulations of airspace exclusively in the Federal Government's authority and the same section of the federal law gives U.S. citizens a public right of transit through the navigable airspace. This pilot program creates a dangerous precedent and emboldens other non-federal governments to create drone laws which typically result in hurting businesses that want to follow the law. Currently, aviation typically has to comply with only the federal law for operations. If states, counties, and local governments are allowed to get involved, you have a potential for death by a thousand regulatory papercuts."

Source: From an email sent to Aero-News by Attorney Jonathan Rupprecht, commenting on the DoT announcement of the start of the Trump Administration's Drone Integration Pilot Program that will allow  state, local, and tribal governments to partner with private sector entities, such as UAS operators or manufacturers, to accelerate safe UAS integration. Entities that wish to participate in the program form teams and submit proposals to the FAA to fly more advanced UAS operations, such as beyond visual line-of-sight or over people.



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