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June 25, 2012

Airborne 06.22.12: NEXRAD Not So Fast, Pilot's Rights, NTSB's GA Forum

Also: Fly Nano! X-37B Landing, F22 FlightSuits, NASA/FAA Cooperate, TSA Fires 7, The 'New' EAA V The 'Old', and Gamera Flies Again!!!

Stand back... we have LOTS of news for you! The NTSB on Tuesday issued a Safety Alert to warn pilots who use in-cockpit FIS-B and Satellite Weather display systems that the NEXRAD "age indicator" can be misleading. The actual NEXRAD data can be as much as 20 minutes older than the age indication on the display in the cockpit. If misinterpreted, this difference in time can present potentially serious safety hazards to aircraft operating in the vicinity of fast-moving and quickly developing weather systems. Oklahoma Senato

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Klyde Morris (06.25.12)

Klyde Keeps An Eye Out For Trick Questions...


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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.25.12)

Aero Linx: Texas Aviation Association Our goal is to preserve and protect Texas airports and to advance public understanding of general aviation to the citizens of Texas. In 1999, Texas pilots were stunned with the loss of a convenient and close in airport in our capital city. One or our earliest and most celebrated airports, Robert Mueller, was closed and a fancier and much less accessible airport was substituted. It seemed to the local general aviation sector that they were ignored, hassled and shuffled off into second class citizenship. The perception of the value of Business Aviation and General Aviation needs to be corrected. This can only be accomplished through a unified, statewide voice. TXAA was organized to be th

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.25.12): Equinox

Equinox The equinoxes are times at which the center of the Sun is directly above the Earth's equator. The day and night would be of equal length at that time, if the Sun were a point and not a disc, and if there were no atmospheric refraction. Given the apparent disc of the Sun, and the Earth's atmospheric refraction, day and night actually become equal at a point within a few days of each equinox. The vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, and the autumnal equinox marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (06.25.12)

“We are thrilled to recognize the Thunderbirds,” said Thornton ‘T.D.’ Barnes, NVAHOF Director. “It is with great pride that the NVAHOF distinguishes the Thunderbird organization for its service to its country and to the state of Nevada.” Source: Thornton ‘T.D.’ Barnes, Director for the Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame (NVAHOF). The United States Air Force Thunderbirds past and present will be saluted in November, 2012 as the NVAHOF enshrines and celebrates them at festivities coinciding with Aviation Nation- Nellis Air Force Base Open House and Air Show. The NVAHOF will recognize the current team and the Thunderbird Alumni at the NVAHOF induction banquet on November 7, 2012.

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