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December 01, 2020

Airborne-Unmanned 11.18.20: DJI AGRAS T20, DoT BEYOND, Workhorse TC App

Also: Autel and DroneSense, Pennsylvania CAP Wing, Airspace Link, Beringer Aero

DJI is aiming at the farming market with its latest agriculture drone, the DJI AGRAS T20. This agriculture spraying drone makes it accessible and scalable for farmers who are ready to apply digital insights and automated spray technology into their operations. The DJI AGRAS T20 is optimized to work in complicated environments and different agricultural lands, from its autonomous flight planning and terrain-sensing radar, to extended flight time, high payload capacity, and off-the-grid power options. SecTrans Chao has announc

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.01.20)

Aero Linx: Australian Sports Rotorcraft Association ASRA is a national sport and recreational association, representing people with an interest in building and flying gyroplanes. Under Civil Aviation Safety Authority accreditation, ASRA administers sport gyroplanes through the certification of pilots and the registration of gyroplanes in Australia. ASRA is concerned with improving standards of safety, pilot training and aircraft. It aims to promote reasonable and responsible practices in a manner accepted as professional to other aviation bodies and the public, while retaining our own identity, reducing costs and minimising rest

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.01.20): Go Around

Go Around Instructions for a pilot to abandon his/her approach to landing. Additional instructions may follow. Unless otherwise advised by ATC, a VFR aircraft or an aircraft conducting visual approach should overfly the runway while climbing to traffic pattern altitude and enter the traffic pattern via the crosswind leg. A pilot on an IFR flight plan making an instrument approach should execute the published missed approach procedure or proceed as instructed by ATC; e.g., “Go around” (additional instructions if required).

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.01.20)

“Adapting a small number of our healthiest B-1s to carry hypersonic weapons is vital to bridge between the bomber force we have today, to the force of tomorrow. This is a major step forward in our global precision fires capability and it is important we pursue these technologies to remain ahead of our competitors. My goal is to have a limited number of B-1s modified to become the roving linebacker of the western Pacific and the North Atlantic. Source: Gen. Tim Ray, Air Force Global Strike Command commander, detailing info about the B-1B Lancer’s expanded carriage capabilities as the process comes one step closer to fruition following an external captive carry flight over the skies of Edwards Air Force Base, California, Nov

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