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February 20, 2004

Airport Victory #1: NJ Airport Saved By State Buy-Out

Our good friends at AOPA tell ANN that the State of New Jersey this week signed a deal to buy South Jersey Regional Airport (VAY) in Lumberton. It's part of the state's innovative plan to maintain what it calls the core aviation requirements of the state. "By purchasing development rights or outright buying airports, Gov. James McGreevey and the state division of aeronautics is taking concrete steps to ensure the state has adequate aviation infrastructure," said AOPA President Phil Boyer.

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Airport Victory #2: Georgia House Passes Strong Airport Protection Bill

Georgia state representatives this week approved a bill (House Bill 886) sponsored by House Speaker Terry Coleman (D-Dist. 118) to ensure that public-use airports remain open. One of Coleman's allies, Rep. Don Wix (D-Dist. 33), contacted AOPA early for guidance in drafting the legislation. The bill would require the sponsor of a public-use airport, whether publicly or privately owned, to maintain the facility in a "safe and serviceable condition to serve aeronautical users" and take no actions that would close or render the airport unusable for 20 years from the date of the most recent financial assistance.

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Approved: Enstrom 480B Gets Increase in Takeoff/Landing at Altitude

Enstrom Helicopter has scored yet another performance upgrade for its turbine whirlybird. Enstrom has received FAA certification for a change in the 480B operations limitations that increases the maximum altitude for takeoff and landings at 3,000 pounds gross weight from 2,100 feet density altitude to 10,000 feet density altitude. “Enstrom worked with the FAA to clean up some loose ends from when the certification basis changed from CAR 6 to FAR 27 and eliminate the Takeoff/Landing Gross Weight Limitations from the Rotorcraft Flight Manual,” said William Taylor, director of engineering. This is the latest development in Enstrom’s ongoing product improvement program to enhance its turbine model.

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180 HP Mooneys Need For Speed May Cost A Bit Less

Mooney Speed Freaks have yet another reason to give into their unending lust for speed. Power Flow Systems has announced a $500 reduction in the cost of their STC’d tuned exhaust system for 180 hp Mooneys. The special sale price of $3,990 will last until the end of June. Power Flow claims that their technology substantially increases the evacuation of exhaust gases from the engine’s cylinders resulting in more efficient operation and enhanced performance numbers.

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Certified: Long-Delayed Liberty XL2 Finally TC'd

The Liberty XL-2 has apparently received it's long awaited and oft-delayed TC. Liberty announced, late Thursday, that the FAA has been granted a FAR Part 23 TC for the two-place, single-engine Liberty XL2. The company claims that the Liberty XL2 is the first piston-powered aircraft to be certified with a true Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) system. This milestone comes after lengthy delays and unfulfilled promises as a once-promising aircraft program has encountered a number of problems and difficulties... not the least of which were hefty price increases over the original concept, customer dissatisfaction, a number of incidents involving demo aircraft (mostly simple "fender-benders"), and conflicting stories put forth by a company that has wasted a lot of its early

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SMA Boasts Power Increase for SR305-230

While the details are somewhat sketchy, ANN has learned that EASA, the new European Aviation Safety Agency, has approved the power modification request for the SMA SR305-230, Approval No. 2004-163, the maximum continuous power of the SMA's engine is now validated at 230hp. Prior to the approval date the maximum continuous power declared was 200hp with maximum take-off power of 230hp limited to 5 minutes. Today, take-off power and maximum continuous power are equal and without limitations. This modification has no impact on engine architecture and will provide SMA's customers with increased performance...

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HAI: FAA Revision Authorizes COPTER ILS Approaches Below 200 Feet

HAI tells ANN that after considerable work between their Flight Operations Committee and the FAA’s General Aviation and Commercial Division (AFS-800), the FAA, through a revision in its General Aviation Operations Inspector’s Handbook, FAA Order 8700.1, Change 28, dated December 18, 2003, now authorizes helicopters to conduct COPTER ILS approaches to Decision Heights (DH) below 200 feet at Category II facilities. The change is delineated in Chapter 59 and states, “Copter ILS Approach Approval – Authorizations issued after a successful demonstration of this capability provides the holder the authority to descend to a DH of less than 200 feet with less than 1800 feet visibility, while conducting a Copter ILS approach CAT II ILS procedure.”

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FL TFR: 02/20

The Veep Is Coming to Town NOTAM: 4/1319 Issued: 02/19/2004 21:11 Effective: 02/20/2004 20:55 - 02/20/2004 21:45 State: FL Facility: ZMA - MIAMI (ARTCC), FL. Type: VIP Description: TAMPA, FLORIDA, FEBRUARY 20, 2004 LOCAL.

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IAOPA To Hold Biennial World Assembly In Toulouse, France, 20-25 April 2004

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of France will host the 22nd World Assembly of the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA), 20-25 April 2004 in Toulouse, France. Topics facing international delegates to the biennial gathering of the World Assembly include air traffic services, airport and airspace access, user fees, security and the business of running their associations. "IAOPA is proof that there is strength in unity," said IAOPA President Phil Boyer. "Together, our 60 organizations present a formidable front for general aviation and aerial work in international forums. The work done at the World Assembly allows us to share information and ideas, and lets us plan for the years ahead."

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