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August 26, 2019

Klyde Morris (08.26.19)

Klyde has The TSA Figured Out All Too Well...


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Airborne 08.23.19: 'Starman' Intercept?, Paraglider, World Aerobatics

Also: Boeing 737 MAX Panel, FAA Warns Aboout AOA Sensors, Mission To Jupiter, Aviation Coalition

Earlier this week, we said somewhat tongue-in-cheek that Elon Musk might try to recover the Tesla Roadster that was launched aboard the first Falcon Heavy launch and put it back on the road. And while that might not happen, it appears that Musk is at least mulling a mission to take some photos of his car in space. Musk said on Twitter Sunday that SpaceX might launch a photo mission to catch up with the roadster and take some pictures of Starman. But he did not offer any more details about how such a mission

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.26.19)

Aero Linx: Hope Air Hope Air was founded in 1986 by Joan Rogers and Jinnie Bradshaw, C.M., two women who wanted to make travelling to healthcare less burdensome for low-income people. Since then, individuals and groups from all across the country have come together to help their fellow Canadians get to medical care. By donating money or airline tickets, volunteering, putting on an event, or just spreading the word about Hope Air’s work, the people who support our cause make arranging free flights to medical care possible.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.26.19): ARINC

ARINC An acronym for Aeronautical Radio, Inc., a corporation largely owned by a group of airlines. ARINC is licensed by the FCC as an aeronautical station and contracted by the FAA to provide communications support for air traffic control and meteorological services in portions of international airspace.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (08.26.19)

“We are not aggressive about it. We have the wrong strategy, the wrong ideas, the wrong doctrine. We are trapped in an industrial age model of thinking about space.”  Source: Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, a co-author of a plan proposed by former Speaker of the U.S. House Newt Gingrich that is proposing that the U.S. government offer a $2 billion prize to a private company that can establish a lunar base.  Gingrich, along with others who are skeptical of NASA's ambitious plan to return to the Moon by 2024, want to see if private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin can establish such a base faster and less expensively than NASA.

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