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June 17, 2013

Airborne 06.14.13: FAA Extorts $447K From EAA, Eurocopter's X3, TIGHAR Denials

Also: Hadfield Retires, Dornier Do 17, Chinook Contract, Boeing Forecast, Wright Memorial

We can't say that this was unexpected but EAA has confirmed that it has entered, reluctantly, into a one time agreement with the FAA to pay them for services required to conduct the annual fly-in. EAA has revealed that, "Facing a spectrum of unpalatable options, EAA today finalized a one-time agreement with the FAA to cover nearly $450,000 in expenses related to air traffic control services at the 2013 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in, which begins on July 29." The Eurocopter X3 hybrid helicopter made history recently by attaining speed milestones of 255 knots in lev

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Klyde Morris (06.17.13)

Klyde Gets WAY Too Much Info....


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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.17.13)

Aero Linx: Civil Aviation Medical Association CAMA, working on behalf of physicians engaged in the practice of aviation medicine aims to: To promote the best methodology for assessment of the mental and physical requirements for civil aviation pilots. To actively enlarge our scientific knowledge. To advocate, through continuing education, both basic and advanced civil aeromedical knowledge. To promote professional fellowship among our colleagues from allied scientific disciplines. To bind together all civil aviation medical examiners into an effective, active medical body to promote aviation safety for the good of the public.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.17.13): Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR)

Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) A TFR is a regulatory action issued by the FAA via the U.S. NOTAM System, under the authority of United States Code, Title 49. TFRs are issued within the sovereign airspace of the United States and its territories to restrict certain aircraft from operating within a defined area on a temporary basis to protect persons or property in the air or on the ground. While not all inclusive, TFRs may be issued for disaster or hazard situations such as: toxic gas leaks or spills, fumes from flammable agents, aircraft accident/incident sites, aviation or ground resources engaged in wildlife suppression, or aircraft relief activities following a disaster. TFRs may also be issued in support of VIP mov

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (06.17.13)

"The aviation community can expect much more of the same... and while many events will be able to 'punt' and do what they need to do without the 'assistance' of the FAA; those events that need Waivers, special permissions or mandatory surveillance are pretty much up the creek if they can't afford what the FAA demands. Exacerbating the situation, the FAA is making it difficult to get data as to how they calculate the needs and costs for the fees they demand and their demonstrating an overt unwillingness to discuss the specifics of the situation has become all the more evident with each request for information." Source: From an ANN story detailing yet another aviation event that has had to restrict themselves due to their inability to meet F

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