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November 24, 2014

Airborne 11.24.14: FAA Ready To Restrict UAVs?, Sonex's 500th!, Trig TT31 AML

Also: SWAPA Files For NMB, XCOR Milestone, RV Video Tips, Levil's New APP, Ready For AirVenture?

In breaking news, ANN has learned that the upcoming regs for UAVs are likely to be highly restrictive. The rules would require commercial UAV operators to have a licence, and flights would be limited to under 400 feet during daylight hours only within sight of the person operating the aircraft. Additionally, all UAVs that weigh less than 55 pounds would be covered by the same set of rules. Sonex Aircraft, passed a major benchmark last week, as news was received from Christopher Madsen of Huntsville, Alabama that his

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Aero-TV: GOGO Business Aviation -- Communicating at the Speed of Flight

Airborne Communications Are One Of The Strengths Of Business Aviation

At NBAA2014 ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, checked in on the world of airborne communication. There was a time in aviation when the expression, “aviate and communicate” had something to do with an emergency situation. Now, when it comes to executive travel in a corporate jet, it means something completely different. Business travelers need to communicate and that’s where Gogo Business Aviation comes into the picture.

Klyde Morris (11.24.14)

Klyde Wants To Know Who's Going To Take 'The Fall???'


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Airborne 11.21.14: AEA's 3Q/14 Report, Fantasy Of Flight, Modernizing The NAS

Also: Holland Wants Gold, FAA Strangling UAVs?, RAF WWII Trainer For Sale, Bf109s Live, Georgia v Aerospace Engineers

The Aircraft Electronics Association has released its third-quarter 2014 Avionics Market Report. In the three-month period of July, through September 2014, total worldwide business and general aviation avionics sales amounted to more than $614 million. The figure represented a 5 percent decrease in sales compared to the third-quarter 2013 amount of more than $646 million. Fantasy of Flight, in Polk City, Florida is going to make tomorrow a special day for World War Two veteran Barney Wasowicz. W

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.24.14): Flight Service Station

Flight Service Station Air traffic facilities which provide pilot briefing, en route communications and VFR search and rescue services, assist lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situations, relay ATC clearances, originate Notices to Airmen, broadcast aviation weather and NAS information, receive and process IFR flight plans, and monitor NAVAIDs. In addition, at selected locations, FSSs provide En Route Flight Advisory Service (Flight Watch), take weather observations, issue airport advisories, and advise Customs and Immigration of transborder flights.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.24.14)

Aero Linx: The United Flying Octogenarians (UFO) Founded in 1982 by a group of 31 aviators over the age of 80, the United Flying Octogenarians (UFO) now has a membership of over 1,400 men and women. When each of our members joined, at the age of 80 or older, he or she was still flying as Pilot-in-Command. Today, many of us are no longer at the controls of an aircraft, but our love of aviation still binds us to this elite group. The UFO is an international, non-profit organization with members in the United States including the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, Argentina, Australia, France, and the United Kingdom.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (11.24.14)

“The NASA Student Launch – now in its 15th year – has engaged hundreds of students and educators in real-world scenarios that solve complex engineering challenges. Each team must meet rigorous standards and review processes, just like those applied in the NASA workplace.” Source: Tammy Rowan, manager of the Academic Affairs Office at Marshall, which organizes the NASA Student Launch Challenge.  

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