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October 01, 2020

Airborne 09.28.20: Panthera Flt Test, Arsenal of Democracy, ZeroAvia Pax Flt

Also: NASA Polishes Image, Drone Airspace Access, All-Electric Ecomax Heli, 1st Brazilian Gripen

One of the efforts ANN and Jim Campbell are best known for, are our flight test reports. However; the amount of work required to keep ANN on the straight and level hasn’t allowed us to do any for a while. Further; we’ve been aggressively pursuing a new plan for how to conduct them in terms of the many media options currently available. Well... for now, the highly detailed and long-awaited flight test report on the Pipistrel Panthera is now online with parts 1 and 2, so far, of the massive 8000 wo

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.01.20)

Aero Linx: The British Aerobatic Association We were founded in 1974 to represent the interests of all those concerned with aerobatic flying in powered aircraft and in gliders, by promoting and organising all aspects of competition aerobatics in the UK, including progressive training, proper conduct and furtherance of the sport. The British Aerobatic Association Limited is a Company incorporated with its liability limited by guarantee and not having any share capital. We are recognised by The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom as the governing body of sport aerobatics.  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.01.20): Discrete Frequency

Discrete Frequency A separate radio frequency for use in direct pilot-controller communications in air traffic control which reduces frequency congestion by controlling the number of aircraft operating on a particular frequency at one time. Discrete frequencies are normally designated for each control sector in en route/terminal ATC facilities. Discrete frequencies are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. and the DOD FLIP IFR En Route Supplement.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.01.20)

“NASA is excited to partner with Bell to help accelerate routine UAS operations into the national airspace with this successful flight demo. Our efforts with Bell and our other SIO industry partners will help commercial UAS move closer towards certification to make missions like this transport flight a common event.” Source: Mauricio Rivas, UAS integration in the NAS project manager at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center, commenting on Bell's successful flight of the Bell Autonomous Pod Transport (APT) 70 as part of a joint flight demonstration with NASA. Bell was selected to participate in NASA’s Systems Integration and Operationalization (SIO) activity in 2018, which includes multiple flight demonstration

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