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August 25, 2013

Airborne 08.23.13: Paul Poberezny Passes, AOPA Names New Boss, UPS A300 Prelim

Also: AT-6 Flies, Ryanair Fires Whistleblower, FAA SAFO On Rwy Use, Outta Control UAV, CSeries Update

EAA Founder Paul Poberezny passed away this morning (August 22) at Evergreen Retirement Village in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, after a battle with cancer. He was 91. The Poberezny family has expressed the following: “We deeply appreciate all the support shown to Paul and Audrey over the past five months. As Paul often said, he considers himself a millionaire because through aviation he made a million friends. He leaves an unmatched legacy in aviation and can be best remembered by all the people who discovered aviation through his inspiration to create EA

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.25.13)

Aero Linx: The Google Lunar XPRIZE The Google Lunar XPRIZE, the largest international incentive based prize of all time, aims to do something we haven’t done as humanity since 1973, safely land on the surface of the Moon. More than half of the world’s population has never had the opportunity to view a live transmission from the lunar surface. The Google Lunar XPRIZE aims to create a new “Apollo” moment for this generation and to spur continuous lunar exploration with $40 Million in incentive based prizes. In order to win this money, a private company must land safely on the surface of the Moon, travel 500 meters above, below, or on the Lunar surface, and send back two “Mooncasts” to Eart

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.25.13): Outer Area

Outer Area (associated with Class C airspace) Nonregulatory airspace surrounding designated Class C airspace airports wherein ATC provides radar vectoring and sequencing on a full-time basis for all IFR and participating VFR aircraft. The service provided in the outer area is called Class C service which includes: IFR/IFR-standard IFR separation; IFR/VFR-traffic advisories and conflict resolution; and VFR/VFR-traffic advisories and, as appropriate, safety alerts. The normal radius will be 20 nautical miles with some variations based on site-specific requirements. The outer area extends outward from the primary Class C airspace airport and extends from the lower limits of radar/radio coverage up to the ceiling of the approa

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (08.25.13)

“This is going to give us increased control in degraded visual environments, when operating in very difficult conditions such as in the dark or with dust and snow that prevent the pilot from seeing. This gives control to the aircraft so the pilot can monitor the profiles of the aircraft flying and not be overworked.” Source: RAF Flight Leader Chris Boddy, explaining some of the details resulting from Royal Air Force (RAF) flight crews completion of testing of their new MK6 tandem rotor helicopter with the help of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) at NAS Patuxent River August 10.

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