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August 05, 2012

ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.05.12): Aurora

Aurora A phenomenon produced when the solar wind (made up of energized electrons and protons) disturbs the atoms and molecules in a planet’s upper atmosphere. Some of the energy produced by these disturbances is converted into colorful visible light, which shimmers and dances. Auroras have been seen on several planets in our solar system. On Earth, auroras are also known as the “Northern Lights” (aurora borealis) or “Southern Lights” (aurora australis), depending on in which polar region they appear.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.05.12)

Aero Linx: British Gliding Association Gliding is the ultimate free flying experience. It is a truly diverse sport that can be enjoyed at all levels: from the thriving club scene, to aerobatics, to international racing championships in a sport where the UK team is ranked amongst the best in the world. The gliders you can fly soar using the same air currents that birds use to fly, but have also been designed with the kind of aerodynamic efficiency that enables top speeds of up to 170 mph. Distances of over 600 miles have been covered in one day in the UK and heights of almost 40,000 feet have been achieved. Gliding gives you the freedom to explore the world from a unique birds eye view and discover the many moods of the sky

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (08.05.12)

"The Air Force is committed to training our U.S. and partner nation pilots on this fifth-generation fighter aircraft... Collaborative training on aircraft designed with stealth, maneuverability and integrated avionics will better prepare our combined forces to assume multi-role missions for the future of tactical aviation." Source:  Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff, in comments following the announcement that Luke AFB has been chosen as the location of the Air Force's F-35A Lightning II pilot training center.

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