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August 21, 2011

Greensorb Touts Aviation Potential

Company Cites Testimonial From Airport Hazmat Responder

Sorbent Greensorb, LLC is celebrating its product's increasing use in cleaning up fuel and oil spills at airports. "Greensorb" can be used to absorb fuel, oil, most acids and many other environmental contaminants, and the company says it can be reused or safely disposed of in landfills.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.21.11)

Aero Linx: RAF Red Arrows The Red Arrows are renowned throughout the world as ambassadors for both the Royal Air Force and the United Kingdom. Since the Team was officially formed in 1965, the Red Arrows have completed over 4,000 displays in 53 countries. The Red Arrows’ reputation is built on the commitment and professionalism, combined with Royal Air Force skills, training and equipment. Many of the Red Arrows’ pilots and support staff have recently returned from Afghanistan and Iraq and many will be temporarily detached on operations overseas during their time with the Red Arrows.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.21.11): Hazardous Weather Information

Hazardous Weather Information Summary of significant meteorological information (SIGMET/WS), convective significant meteorological information (convective SIGMET/WST), urgent pilot weather reports (urgent PIREP/UUA), center weather advisories (CWA), airmen's meteorological information (AIRMET/WA) and any other weather such as isolated thunderstorms that are rapidly developing and increasing in intensity, or low ceilings and visibilities that are becoming widespread which is considered significant and are not included in a current hazardous weather advisory.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (08.21.11)

"Modern technologies of air traffic management and air navigation will allow us to reduce the risk of closing our airports in low visibility conditions, update our ground operations as well as optimize airspace utilization. In order to stay competitive and offer the best services to airlines and their passengers, especially prior to such high profile events as the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2018 World Cup, we need to work with the best experts and introduce proven and modern solutions." Source: Sergey Likharev, chief executive officer of the Basel Aero Company, following the announcement, at the Moscow Air Show, that Boeing has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate toward increasing the efficiency and capacity of leadi

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