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June 02, 2013

Airborne 05.31.13: Breitling Boosts Reno, Chinese Spy On DoD, Pipistrel Academy

Also: EBACE Closes Strong, A4A Says Fees Too High... REALLY?, Near-MIss at KDCA, AOPA Smoke and Mirrors, ICAO Stays Put...

The National Championship Air Races has confirmed that longtime sponsor, Breitling, has significantly increased its sponsorship over the next three years and will also be bringing the world famous Jetman to Reno this fall for a rare North American performance. A confidential Pentagon report shows that Chinese cyberspies have collected data on more than two dozen U.S. weapons systems, including the F-35, the V-22 Osprey, and the Black Hawk helicopter. Online university degree programs have been all the rage for several years now, so

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.02.13)

Aero Linx: AHS International – The Vertical Flight Technical Society AHS International, The Vertical Flight Technical Society, is the world's only international technical society for engineers, scientists and others working on vertical flight technology. AHS has brought together industry, academia and governments to tackle the toughest challenges in vertical flight. Since 1943, AHS has led technology, safety, advocacy and other initiatives, and have been the primary forum for interchange of information on vertical flight technology. AHS claims to be the global resource for information on vertical flight technology.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.02.13): Ground Communication Outlet

Ground Communication Outlet (GCO) - An unstaffed, remotely controlled, ground/ground communications facility. Pilots at uncontrolled airports may contact ATC and FSS via VHF to a telephone connection to obtain an instrument clearance or close a VFR or IFR flight plan. They may also get an updated weather briefing prior to takeoff. Pilots will use four "key clicks" on the VHF radio to contact the appropriate ATC facility or six "key clicks" to contact the FSS. The GCO system is intended to be used only on the ground.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (06.02.13)

"Reaching this milestone is significant, but what's more special are the missions we enable every day..." Source: Lt. Col. Russ Garner, 62nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron commander, after an MQ-1 Predator assigned to Kandahar Airfield recently became the first Predator to pass 20,000 flying hours over Afghanistan, a feat equivalent to flying 15 hours every other day, for 2,667 days. While the Predator remotely piloted aircraft program surpassed one million hours of total development, test, training and combat in August 2011, this is the first airframe to accumulate 20,000 flying hours individually.

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