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April 16, 2012

Airborne 04.13.12: MV-22 Down, NTSB Reno Recommendations, and AEA2012 Wraps

Also: AMCC, NTSB, Dassault, F/A-18, UAVs, Test Pilot School, Kitfox, and Ryanair Strips Down!

It was yet another busy week in the Aero-News biz. NTSB Chair Deborah A.P. Hersman held a news conference in Reno Tuesday to announce recommended changes in how air races are conducted in an effort to improve safety. We're still recovering from last week's AEA convention, which is maybe understandable after nearly 1,500 avionics manufacturers, dealers, installers and other general aviation professionals gathered for the convention in Washington, D.C. A rule published last month in the Federal Register means that pilots who have been provided with a Special Iss

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Klyde Morris (04.16.12)

Klyde Is Still A Space Buff... Despite The Obstacles 


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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.16.12)

Aero Linx: C-5 Galaxy The C-5 Galaxy is one of the largest aircraft in the world and the largest airlifter in the Air Force inventory. The aircraft can carry a fully equipped combat-ready military unit to any point in the world on short notice and then provide the supplies required to help sustain the fighting force. The C-5 has a greater capacity than any other airlifter. It has the ability to carry 36 standard pallets and 81 troops simultaneously. The Galaxy is also capable of carrying any of the Army's air-transportable combat equipment, including such bulky items as the 74-ton mobile scissors bridge. It can also carry outsize and oversize cargo over intercontinental ranges and can take off or land in relatively sh

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (04.16.12): Diverse Vector Area

Diverse Vector Area In a radar environment, that area in which a prescribed departure route is not required as the only suitable route to avoid obstacles. The area in which random radar vectors below the MVA/MIA, established in accordance with the TERPS criteria for diverse departures, obstacles and terrain avoidance, may be issued to departing aircraft.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (04.16.12)

"As you read this on the 16th day of April 2012 the space shuttle Discovery is being prepared for its final flight, not into space, but on the back of a 747 carrier aircraft in route to the National Air and Space Museum. Like Apollo, once again America has taken all that it had invested in the space shuttle and with barely a whimper from the American public who will in decades to come still be reaping the harvest of benefits from that program- we are simply casting it away to scrap or to reside in museums. Again we see an example of just how myopic we Americans remain." Source: ANN Space Journalist, Wes Oleszewski, in comments included in an article looking at the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 16 mission... and what has transpired wi

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